
Spring Serenade Bouquet
$72.95 $63.95

What a glorious spring gift! A joyous surprise for Easter or any springtime occasion, this bright, b..

Spring Tulips - Hot Pink
$71.95 $62.95

Ten dazzling hot pink Tulips arranged in a clear glass vase...

Spring Tulips - Light Pink
$60.95 $52.95

Beautiful and "simply said" light pink tulips are a hip way to show you care...

Springtime Roses
$94.95 $82.95

An abundant mix of fragrant, velvety roses in a range of luscious pink and orange hues is a lovely s..

Strength and Wisdom Casket Spray
$264.95 $230.95

This beautiful red and white spray will deliver strength and the wisdom to know that there will be b..

Sunny Yellow Tulips
$60.95 $52.95

Beautiful and "simply said" yellow tulips are a hip way to show you care...

Sweet As Can Be Bouquet
$81.95 $71.95

Treat Mom sweet! Gorgeous shades of purple and pinks are arranged in a lovely Sweet Blossoms vase. I..

Sweet Blossoms Bouquet
$73.95 $64.95

Mauvelous for Mom! This sweet bouquet arranged in a darling vase featuring sweet blossoms is the per..

Sweet Symphony
$182.95 $159.95

A mix of fresh flowers in pretty shades of pink, red, white and purple creates a sweet symphony of c..

Swirling Beauty Bouquet
$110.95 $96.95

Show her the many colors of your love with this spectacular arrangement of romantic flowers. Hand-de..

Teleflora Teddy Bear Small
$13.95 $11.95

Great collection of teddy bear. Let us add a nice small teleflora teddy bear to your arrangement o..

Teleflora's Birthday Wishes Bouquet
$77.95 $67.95

Want to wish someone a very happy birthday? Send this bright arrangement, and they'll wish their bir..

Teleflora's Christmas Present Bouquet
$71.95 $62.95

You'll see one happy hostess if you show up for the party with this red and white charmer featuring ..

Teleflora's Colors of Christmas Centerpiece
$103.95 $91.95

Welcome your guests with an extraordinarily merry Christmas floral centerpiece guaranteed to bring j..

Teleflora's Crimson Glow Centerpiece
$96.95 $81.95

Elegant red tapers lend a festive glow to the snow white lilies and rich red roses of this gorgeous ..

Teleflora's Have a Ball Bouquet
$96.95 $84.95

Dazzle somebody special this year with a stunning holiday bouquet in a golden ornament jar sparkling..

Teleflora's Holiday Surprise Bouquet - Deluxe
$101.95 $88.95

Regardless of age, they'll be charmed by this exuberant blend of fresh flowers in a clear vase featu..

Teleflora's Holiday Wishes Bouquet
$80.95 $70.95

Add life to the party with a gorgeous holiday bouquet in a red velvet bag, yule-tied with a golden d..

Teleflora's Shimmering Snow Bouquet
$81.95 $71.95

Dazzle and delight with spray red roses and spray carnations presented in our fabulous iridescent an..

Teleflora's Silver Christmas Bouquet
$68.95 $59.95

Deck the halls with this festive arrangement of rich red roses, winter white carnations and fresh Ch..

Teleflora's Snow Day Bouquet
$83.95 $73.95

Hooray for snow days! Celebrate the season with a spectacular holiday bouquet of red roses, white ca..

Teleflora's Tender Tribute
$116.95 $106.95

Vivid and touching, vibrant reds and serene whites blend in honor and celebration of a life filled w..

Ten Tulips
$60.95 $52.95

Beautiful and "simply said" red tulips are a hip way to show you care...

Thank You Basket
$96.95 $84.95

Send this basket of bright flowers, and that special someone will feel like a million bucks...

The At Last bouquet
$81.95 $75.95

At last, your love has come along. Show them how you feel with a glamorous mix of blossoms in gentle..

Showing 101 to 125 of 174 (7 Pages)